Hi! We’re the Comics Advocacy Group, a new non-profit dedicated to making careers in comics more accessible and sustainable. We want to address systemic barriers in the comics industry by providing access to educational resources, networking opportunities, and financial support for comics creators. We’ll be funding projects, sharing resources and generally trying to advocate for good working practices.
Comics is a largely decentralized profession with many different publishing practices. It is also often viewed as a “dream job.” These factors mean that emerging artists may inadvertently accept exploitative page rates or punishing deadlines, believing that they are the norm or the only way to get a toehold. We hope that by providing open resources and access to a network of experienced professionals, we will be able to improve working conditions for emerging creators and reduce the likelihood of burnout down the road.
Let’s Make Comics!
We’re excited to announce our first round of mini-grants! Applications are open until January 15th, and we’ll be distributing 30 grants of $500 each. This is our first such grant so we want to cast a wide net and invite anyone making comics in the United States to apply. With these grants, we hope to elevate some emerging comics professionals, stabilize underfunded projects, and reward the amazing work being done in the field of comics.
It’s a simple application and shouldn’t take more than 5-10 minutes of your time, so we hope you’ll apply! Board members and partners of board members are ineligible.
What’s Next?
We’re just getting our shoes on but once we’re a bit farther down the road, our plan is to offer a broad variety of grants and to commission useful works that can educate and elevate the broader community of comics creators.
The Comics Advocacy Group was created by a volunteer board of comics professionals and is recognized as a 501(c)3, which means that any donations are tax-deductible. If you’d like to support our efforts, please consider making a donation today!